Thanos can knock down a well-fed Galactus with a single blast. Comparable to the energy manipulation of the likes of Thanos. Energy is likely cosmic or quasi-mystical in nature, permeating all the universe. Can output an energy aura around him, manipulate it into beams, create constructs out of it, etc. The Power Cosmic allows Surfer to manipulate a vast nigh-infinite amount of energy. Should scale to numerous heralds such as Thor, Adam Warlock, and the Hulk. Stardust can fight Beta Ray Bill, and their fight in narration was rocking the Heavens and “shaking the firmaments of the universe”. For preference, Terrax the Tamer can shatter an entire planet. The strongest herald of Galactus by far. Striking strength should be Solar System to Universal. Doom claims the Power Cosmic can challenge Galactus himself. Retains the Power Cosmic even after even after a Doombot absorbs it from him. The Power Cosmic is forever imbued into the Silver Surfer. Allows Silver Surfer to manipulate a near limitless amount of energy for destructive and creation purposes. The Power Cosmic nourishes him continuously, eliminating the need for food, water or rest. A vast source of limitless, godly, cosmic energy and power primarily wielded by the god-like cosmic entity Galactus. The Power Cosmic: -The main source of the Silver Surfers' power. Warned All-Father Thor of the Black Winter, which destroyed Galactus's universe. Helped the Sentry fight the Void and his Cancerverse forces. Fought Knull, the abyssal God of the Symbiotes. Rescued people from a black hole created by the Black Order. Escaped the final Incursion of the Multiverse. Defeated Incredulous Zed and restored the Queen of Nevers heart. Defeated Suzi Endo and the High Evolutionary. Took down Aegis and Tenebrous via the Big Crunch. Saved the slaves of Sakaar and caused a rebellion. Defeated Red Shift, a herald of Galactus. Reunited with his long lost brother Fennan. Partnered with Quasar, Beta Ray Bill, and Morfex to form the Star Masters team.

Did battle with the rogue Eternal, Thanos. Thwarted the Elders of the Universe' plant to destroy Galactus. Rescued Nova, a herald of Galactus from the Skrulls. Helped undo the damage done to Earth by the Beyonder. Liberated the Squadron Supreme 's alternate Earth (Earth-S ) from the control of the demonic Null the Living Darkness. Participated in another Avengers-Defenders clash orchestrated by alien menaces Nebulon and Supernalia.

Aided the Defenders against the demonic Six-Fingered Hand. Helped the Fantastic Four neutralize the Doomsman android. Defeated Loki and Dormmamu with the Avengers. Fought the likes of the Nameless One, Attuma, and the Red Ghost. Defeated another Galactus herald named the Air-Walker Android.

Aided Thor in defeating Loki's minion Durok the Demolisher. Helped Hulk and Namor the Sub-mariner stop the Titans Three. Battled Spider-Man, Human Torch, the Inhumans, and S.H.I.E.L.D. While stuck on Earth, fought foes such as Mephisto, Abomination, Loki, Thor, Ludwig von Frankenstein, Warlock Prime, the ghostly Flying Dutchman, etc. Turned on Galactus and helped Uatu the Watcher defeat him and secure the Ultimate Nullifier. Escaped the core of the artificial planet Klyntar. Has helped and lead Galactus to worlds such as Massikron, Elynore-143, Draven-Barr, etc.

Became a herald of the mighty world destroyer Galactus. Saved his home planet to avoid the destruction of his home planet, Zenn-La. Norrin Radd, Doom-Bringer, Uni-Lord, Cosmic Messiah, Light-Lord, Shiny-Head, The Awaited One, O'Glorious One, Sky-Rider, Surferer, Shiney, Silverskin, Surfer Manįeats: -One of the most powerful heroes in Marvel Comics history. Clean (lol), Cosmic Wanderer, The Cosmic Surfer, Protector of the Universe, Dr. Occupations: Herald of Galactus, Adventurer, Explorer, Scholar, AstronomerĪliases: Norrin Radd, Silver Savage, Sky-Rider of the Spaceways, Sentinel of the Spaceways, Silverado, Chrome-Dome, Dark Surfer, Keeper, Mr. First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48 ( March, 1966 )